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 Four County Society of Model Engineers
  M o d u l a r   R a i l r o a d i n g   a t   i t s   B e s t

Achievement: Great Model Railroads 2005

The Four County Society of Model Engineers appeared in an article by Susan Bond titled "Modular Magic: A Beautiful HO Scale Traveling Club Layout." GMR is an annual special issue by Model Railroader magazine that highlights outstanding model railroads. The 2005 issue was the first one to use an impressive larger 11 x 9 inch format.

The article provides an outstanding overview of the FCSME club and club activities. It discusses the club's beginning as the Mount Airy and Western Railroad; evolving style and construction methods of the modules; era and scenery considerations for the club; appropriate structures and trains; flexible controls with DCC; and our role as ambassadors for the hobby.

The article is eight full pages long and is supplemented with six photographs, a layout schematic, and a "Layout at a Glance" section. The photos, taken by Bernie Kempinski, show modules by Bob Mott (3), Bill Carl (1), Bryce Workman (1), and Walt Muren (1). Several of the photographs are large and either take up an entire page or extend across two pages. The article begins on page 76.

Great Model Railroads 2005

A copy can be ordered directly from Kalmbach by clicking on the picture above.